Worship Guitar Class Family News – Guitar Walking Basses, Facebook Fan Page and more…
Topics for this 8 minute Video Newsletter are:
- Reading Music on Your Guitar – See the first 3 lessons free
- Guitar Lesson On Walking Basses
- Get fit in 10 Minutes a Day?
- Survey With Free Gift
- From You
To read the rest of this article click on the ‘more’ link
1. The JW Reading Music on Your Guitar is now in a wire bound format, which opens nicely on a music stand. To see the first three video lessons free just visit our Worship Guitar Class Fan Page. Just ‘Like’ our page and you can watch those videos, as well as others that aren’t posted anywhere else.
Watch the video above to see what the site looks like and where to find the videos. They are at the Fan Page under the lefthand tab called ‘Free Videos’.
2. In the video above you can watch a little lesson on walking basses.
3. Staying in fit has always been one of my side goals. Have recently found a good site called fit10.com. Dave developed this program after hurting his back and it does not put any strain on your back. It’s an intense workout for just 10 minutes a day and it what I’ve been using for the last several weeks. The code “blessing” gives you an additional $10 off.
5. Ryan’s mom recently send me this picture of Ryan. He’s only been playing since this February and has already performed at their church for their homeschool group. Yeah Ryan! She wrote:
““I wanted to share with you that though Ryan just began playing in early February (using your instructional materials only) he performed at the end of year program our homeschool group has each year in June. He played and sang ‘As the Deer’ and did a fine job.”
It’s wonderful to hear about students like Ryan who are learning to worship our Awesome God! One day we will all worship together!
Did you know Your body is an awesome creation? Did you know that you have tiny little flagellum in your body that only an electron microscope can see and that their little tails spin at 10 000 revolutions a minute. Apparently in the 1950’s a man called Felix Wankel “invented” the rotary motor that looks exactly like the flagellum’s motor, but still to this day, does not work as well as the tiny motor that spins the flagellum’s tail!
Worship Him with all your heart because He loves you with all of His!
jeanw says
Opiyo… hope it is soon too. 🙂
Harry Brotzman Jr says
jeanw says
Thanks Pastor Harry! Always nice to see your comments. Hope all is going well for you and yours. I trust your son is doing well and writing more worship songs. Blessings, Jean
Jaylin says
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.