Here is a guitar arrangement of ‘Christ The Lord Is Risen Today’ that I made for you. Resurrection Sunday is my favorite holiday! The video lesson is posted here. The music is also available free from the form below. Just fill in your first name and email address and we’ll send it right out. If you would like to continue to receive help from us, check the ‘newsletter’ box and will send out lots of tips for playing the guitar and a free chart of chords too.
‘Christ The Lord Is Risen Today’ was one of the first songs written by Charles Wesley. He wrote it one year after his conversion to Christianity. What a huge blessing this man is to the body of Christ down through the centuries! This song was written and sung in the 1700s. It is loved as much today as when it was first written. I praise God for all His songwriters new and old that help us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!!
If He was raised and He was. Then, we will also be raised as He promised.
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Get the music free here:
The evidence of Christ’s birth and resurrection are immense. I find it refreshing to see such fine minds like Josh McDowell, Francis Schaeffer, CS Lewis, Ravi Zacharias, and others that came to the Bible as skeptics. Then, when they really studied it became not only Christians but they all wrote books in defense of the faith.
I recently posted a video about many of the prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament. It’s called 300 Prophesies Fulfilled by Jesus.
May the fact of Christ’s resurrection bring you great joy through every day of our lives here! He Has Risen! Because He lives there is hope for today and a wonderful future ahead.