Learn Guitar Arrangements of ‘How Great Thou Art’
Watch the video above to see a guitar arrangement of ‘How Great Thou Art.’ Would you like the music? Fill in the form on the right side for free access to music and TAB of the first guitar arrangement of ‘How Great Thou Art.’ The first guitar arrangement stays in first position, the first four frets of your guitar.
Want Detailed Lessons for playing ‘How Great Thou Art’?
We’ve made two teaching videos for the two arrangements of this beautiful song. As you can see, the actual music is even in the video. Every measure is broken down with tips on how to play them.
Here is a small screen shot taken from the second arrangement.
Step-by-step lessons for both instrumental guitar arrangements.
Tips on how to play both arrangements.
Every beat broken down so you can understand the rhythm.
The melody is accented on the music score to make it easier to see.
Both the musical notes and music TAB are included.
Audio Excerpt of 2nd Arrangement
Purchase the ‘How Great Thou Art’ lessons.
Streaming Videos with the Music of both arrangements of ‘How Great Thou Art’ for just $10.