Guitar Practice Tips
With a new year people often make new goals or New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you have made one around becoming a better musician this year. Here are a few guitar practice tips to help.
1. Pray First
In Scripture it says to pray without ceasing. We can, and should pray about all the details of our lives. Why not ask Him for help in playing music and in keeping focused on Him.
2. Have A Goal
It’s a good idea to have a goal. Do you want to learn a specific song, learn more chords, or play with quicker chord changes? It’s easier to accomplish a goal if you have one. Do you want to become a more skilled worship leader?
More Guitar Practice Tips
3. Warm up
If you’ve ever been at a health club a trainer usually tells you to spend the first 5 minutes warming up. This isn’t a bad idea for musicians, too. There is a reason that professional musicians play scales and exercises. Any player can benefit by focusing on their technique.
A choir director warms up the voices in their choir and you can warm up by working on some chord changes or by playing guitar scales or exercises. If you are using our Christian Guitar Lessons you can also just follow the practice sessions. This is one of the guitar practice tips you shouldn’t skip.
4. Isolate Sections
Instead of just playing through songs and solos… isolate the sections that are difficult for you. It may be just changing back and forth between two chords. Play it smaller sections and then play the whole song.
5. Be Consistent
Try to play your guitar every day. Even playing for 5 minutes is better than not at all. Especially when you are worshipping with great worship songs you will find this time refreshing and well worth the time.
6. Take Good Care Of Your Nails
It’s easier to play the guitar when you pay attention to your nails. The left-hand, or hand that holds down the strings, should have no nails protruding over your finger pads. Having nails can make it impossible to get a clean note. On the fingerpicking hand, it is best to have short nails. This is all described in another article on Tips For Perfect Guitar Nails.
7. Play For Others
Every gift God has given us is for the benefit of others. A marvelous thing can happen with worship music. When you are worshipping God with your music, other people can experience His presence too! Plus, playing for others also gives you an additional incentive for becoming a better musician.
JW Worship Guitar Class Lessons
Step-by-step guitar lessons for learning to play worship songs on your guitar. Click here to Learn More
Thanks Jean, that was short and sweet. God bless
Thank You Jean, that is confirmation of what the Holy Spirit told me. God Bless your New Year.
Thanks Jean, for reminding us this New Year.
Thank you Jean for all those tips. They were all very helpful. Sometimes we want to learn something new and become eagar and impatient but when God introduces someone to guide and to help us then we can say he is truely blessing us.