God of Wonders is the name of a beautiful song. The words of the song were inspired by the Psalms. But, just looking at this beautiful world is enough inspiration to write a song about the wonderful God that created the heavens and earth.
The song starts with talking about the Lord of all creation. In the book of Genesis we learn that the world was created by God’s Words. In the New Testament, we learn that Jesus is the Word of God.
The chorus of the song says:
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy
Did you know that the sun is a million times bigger than the size of the earth? It’s BIG! 960,000 earths could fit inside the sun!
Although it’s HUGE to us, our sun is not that large compared to other stars. Betelgeuse is twice the size of the earth’s orbit around the sun! The largest star found to date is Canis Majoris. If the earth were a golf ball, in comparison it would be the height of Mount Everest.
There’s a wonderful video by Lou Giglio talking about God’s Greatness. I’ve posted it at my other blog – How Great Is Our God
The video points out first the magnitude of the heavens, then turns around to the infinite wonder of how God has made us. Our bodies have 75 trillion cells. Each cell has a 6 foot long DNA strand with a 3 billion character description. There is enough DNA in our bodies to go to the moon and back 178,000 times!
God of Wonders is one of the songs taught in our JW Worship Guitar Class lessons. The more you understand how wonderful God is, the more you’ll want to Worship Him! He has wonderful plans for your life too!
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