In this issue
1. Saint Patrick
2. Be Thou My Vision
3. Flamenco Books
4. Breath Taking Moments
5. In Closing
In the US, Ireland, Canada and other countries there is a holiday called St. Patrick’s Day. It’s become a day to party, but originally it was a day to honor this incredible missionary to Ireland.
Patrick was born in Wales in 390 AD. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by Vikings and for 6 years was a slave in Ireland. He escaped and became a priest.
Years later, he returned to Ireland as a missionary and apparently started 300 churches. Thousands turned from paganism to Christianity through Patrick’s preaching.
It’s amazing how one man, or woman, can change an entire country with the help of an All Powerful God.
For those who celebrate it – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Speaking of Ireland, there are four arrangements of this Irish Hymn as streaming video lessons. The melody is from the time of Saint Patrick and he may have written the lyrics.
All the streaming videos are here:
This is my favorite Flamenco Book. Inspired by the FingerPicking course, a student asked me if I could recommend a good Flamenco Method. I’ve taught from this book and like that it also include the CD.
I just found it with a much lower price and have added both books 1 and 2 to the website. It’s at the bottom of the Guitar Books page.
I was at a conference in Scottsdale Arizona last week and just loved seeing God’s beautiful skies and desert. Started me thinking about the beautiful places I’ve seen in His creation.
Have you ever had a breath taking moment? Years ago I was backpacking in the high Sierras with friends. I was the first up and decided to go for a little walk alone down one of the trails.
I walked by beautiful mountain flowers, turned a corner and was surprised at the sight of a stunningly beautiful grove of trees.
The sun was just coming up and these trees had very delicate round leaves that sparkled like shimmering shiny silver dollars in the sun’s light. I felt like I was in heaven. It just took my breath away!
Have you had moments like that too?
Keith Green, a famous Christian Songwriter, said in one of his albums that it took 6 days for God to create this current world, but that He’s been working on Heaven for thousands of years. Keith said this is a garbage dump compared to what’s happening up there. We can’t imagine the splendor that awaits us!
Worship Him with all your heart because He loves you with all of His.
God Bless,
Jean Welles
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