Christian Drum and Percussion Lessons DVDs
Learn to play drums in worship settings
Do you desire to learn to play the drums at your church? If the answer is Yes then Carl’s program is perfect for you. Through these DVD’s he will walk you through how to set up your drum set, how to hold the drum sticks and other basics every professional drummer should know.
You can learn from a real teacher/performer. Carl has been teaching and performing for over 30 years. He has worked with Christian artists like: Ron Kenoly, Don Moen, Paul Baloche, Lenny LeBlanc, Bob Fitts, Paul Wilbur, Alvin Slaughter, Darrell Evans, Phil Driscoll, Koinonia, Abe Laboriel & Friends, and more.
You have probably heard him on some of your recordings. Not only is Carl a fine percussionist, he is one of those rare people who also has the gift of teaching. You will have more knowledge about the instruments and specific practice patterns to help you become an accomplished percusionist too.
All available on Carl’s website –