Greetings ACSI Anaheim Convention Attendee..

Sing to Him a new song;play skillfully,
and shout for joy. (Psalm 33:3)
Dear ACSI Attendee,
Thanks for taking a moment to see what we might offer your students. I’m a professional guitarist and teacher with a series of DVDs/Videos to help students of all ages ‘play skillfully’ on the guitar with the focus on worshipping our Creator.
We give your students an easy step-by-step method of learning to play the guitar. We do this using worship songs that are familiar to most churches.
There are books available for the students to use and take home that contain all the songs and teachings from the DVD’s. The DVD’s are currently being used in Christian Colleges to give guitar classes, but they can also be a wonderful resource for your library.
Here is our 5 minute ‘Store Loop.’ We’ll have this at the convention, but you might want to watch it now, to get an idea of what’s in the teaching materials and how students are learning.
5 Minute Store Loop
(Place your cursor over the picture and click the ‘start’ button)
[vooplayer vooid=’OTQ5ODY=’ width=’670′ height=’390′]
Please contact us for information about our Curriculum for Christian Schools.
God Bless,
Jean Welles
PS. Here is a 8 minute audio of everything taught on the 4 DVD’s.