In This Newsletter
How To Get A Clean Note
Blessings in His Matchless Name! I hope all is going well with you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
In a recent survey, an number of you wanted tips on getting a clear sound on your guitars. I’ve posted an article at the blog.
1. Trim your left-hand fingernails. If you have nails it’s impossible to hold the strings down cleanly.
2. Hold a string down with the tip, or pad, of your finger right behind the frets. If you hold a string down on top of a fret it can produce a muffled tone. If you hold down a string too far from the fret it can produce a buzzing sound. Stay on the tips of your fingers and hold each string firmly, as close to the frets as you can.
The rest is here –
We are exhibiting at CHEA next week, Christian Homeschool Educators Assoc. If you are coming, we’d love to meet you., Stop by our booth #429. It’s in Long Beach, CA.
A Deer and Cat Video
This is a video of a young cat who is determined to befriend a skittish young dear. It’s sure to make you smile. It’s posted at the blog,
One day, all of God’s creation will only exhibit love.
Website Update
We’ve updated the look of I believe it’s much easier to navigate and is completely searchable. There are a number of previous Newsletters posted and more will be added.
Would love your feedback and if you discover any non-working links, let us know.
In Closing
Reflecting on the deer and cat video makes me think of the many languages God has created. Not only are there thousands of dialects humans speak, but there are emotional languages that is understood and shared with man and animals like the loving gestures of that cat.
i’m sure ants must have computer chips. It’s amazing how with the brief touch of antennas they know exactly where that honey jar is located.
How about our bodies? Then there is a complex cell language that goes on inside our bodies. Our God is infinitely AMAZING.
Love Him with all of your heart because He loves you with all of HIS!
In His Love,
Jean Welles
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